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作者:  文章来源:信望爱律法网  点击数 477  更新时间:2015/4/20 7:52:11  文章录入:信望爱法律














然而,这根本不是这段经文所教导的。在希伯来文中,这节经文字面意思是:“……当他正成长时,他将不会偏离。(while he is growing old, he will not depart from it.)”在英语中,那是进行时同等的,而不是将来时态。这个意思不是说孩子们将远离然后在未来某个时刻回转,而是说孩子在持续渐进地成长过程中,他将一直都不会偏离。


神的道是一本应许之书,但也是一本命令之书。很有必要的是,我们理解箴言22:6节这个特定的应许是带有条件的。在上帝恩典临到我们孩子的生命中时,需要特定条件的成就。这个条件就是我们必须“教养孩童,使他走当行的道”(Train up a child in the way he should go)。



Train Up a Child


Perhaps one of the most famous verses in the Bible regarding the raising of children is Proverbs 22:6, which states,


“Train up a child in the way he should go: and  when he is old, he will not depart from it.”


In finding the true meaning of this verse, it is important to realize a common misconception about it.  


No doubt, nearly every pastor has had parents come to him with hearts broken over their wayward and hurting children.  At times, they may say, “Pastor, please pray for my grown children.  When they were little, we took them to church faithfully.  Now they have gone off to college and have drifted away from the Lord.  They’re sowing their wild oats right now, but I know they’re going to come back someday, just like the Bible says they will.  Please pray for them until that happens.”  


One pastor’s response to such a statement was, “Of course I’ll pray for them, and I also want to see them when they are in town.  However, exactly what Scripture are you referring to when you say that God said they would go away and then come back?”  He was given Proverbs 22:6 as a response.


Well-meaning parents often quote Proverbs 22:6.  Like many people, they may believe this verse means that if they take their children to church, although the children may go into a life of sin for a time, they will eventually come back to the Lord.  However, that is not what this passage is teaching at all!  


In the Hebrew, this verse literally says,


“. . . while he is growing old, he will not depart from it.”


In English, that is the equivalent of the progressive tense, not the future tense!  The concept is not that the child will depart and then come back at some future time.  It is rather that he will not depart as he is continuously and progressively growing.


The Word of God is a book of promise, but it is also a book of commandment.  It is imperative that we understand that this particular promise in Proverbs 22:6 is conditional.  In other words, a certain condition must be met before this blessing will come to pass in the lives of our children.  The condition is that we must “train up a child in the way he should go . . . .”



